The best loans without payroll in October are those of Younited Credit (from 2.15% of TIN) and MoneyMan, which offers a microcredit of 300 euros without fees for new clients. They are followed by the ING personal loan (3.99% NIR) and Vivus, in the microloan sector. 

Nominal Interest Rate (TIN) starting at 2.15%, and MoneyMan and its microcredit, without fees for a maximum of 400 euros in the first request, offer this month the best loans without payroll on the market, as they have the cheapest no-strings-attached financing you can find. However, each one of them is designed for a different type of client: the first, for those who do not   want to change banks or direct their salary to another entity, and the second, for those who do not have regular income.

In the field of loans without payroll, Younited Credit is followed in our October ranking by ING 's offers with its Orange Loan Personal Loan at 3.99% NIR, and the Bankinter Consumer Finance (4.45% NIR). For its part, the best microloans this month are, in addition to MoneyMan, those offered by Creditosi and Vivus .

In our rankings of the best loan offers without payroll, we select and order two types of products: the 10 best that you can hire if you do not want to change your bank payroll and the six best microcredits on the market (a type of loan that does not require you to have income for your application to prosper). Of course, if you do not have any of these limitations, remember that you also have at your disposal our top 10 best personal loans where you will find proposals that, for the most part, do require you to direct your salary to the entity that grants you financing.

When preparing our rankings, keep in mind that we always use objective criteria:

  • In the case of the best loans without payroll direct debit, we classify the offers according to the interest (expressed in the form of the Nominal Interest Rate or TIN) that each offer charges, and the opening, study and partial or total cancellation fees that apply.
  • Regarding the ranking of the best loans without having a payroll or microcredits , we show you the nine best entities from which you can request up to 300 euros, to be repaid in 30 days, without paying costs. The ranking is ordered based on the fees, the concession ratio and the maximum amount that customers are allowed to ask for.
If you prefer to search for yourself the proposal that best suits your needs, do not forget that you can compare the characteristics of all the offers on the market and contract the one that most interests you through our personal loan comparator and our microcredit comparator .

What are loans without payroll?

Payroll loans are those that do not require the user to pay their salary or other regular income , such as a pension, into the entity that grants them. Now, within these offers you will be able to find two different proposals: those that will not ask you to direct deposit your salary or pension (that is, those with which you will not have to change banks) and those that go one step further, since they do not even require the user to have regular income to prove their solvency.

  • Loans without payroll: the products that make up our monthly ranking of the best personal loans without direct debiting your payroll are the most suitable financing option if you have a salary, but do not want to change the direct debit of your income or open an account with another entity (because , for example, you already have one of the best current accounts without payroll or one of the best accounts without commissions on the market) . Although they are somewhat more expensive products than some traditional personal loans, they give you flexibility that you do not have with them.
  • Microcredits: the second major type of loan without payroll is microcredit, a financing product that in some cases can work as a credit without payroll or income, since not all entities will ask you to prove that you have a salary or regular earnings. As for its operation, microcredits grant you a small amount of money to repay in a short period of time . Also, instead of charging you interest in the form of a TIN, they charge you a fixed amount in euros called 'fees'. In our monthly classification of the best mini -credits you will be able to find the best in the market, but, yes, remember that, if you have already requested money on another occasion from any of the companies that market these offers, the conditions that will apply to you will be different from the ones we show you in our analysis. That will force you to carefully evaluate whether it is worth applying for this financing or not.
What are the best loans without direct debit payroll? (October 2022) 

Younited Credit , with a TIN starting at 2.15%, offers this month the best personal loan without direct debiting the market payroll. Your Younited Credit Loan will allow you to request between 1,000 and 50,000 euros, to be repaid within a period of between 24 and 84 months. Now, you must bear in mind that the interest that this entity advertises is the minimum that it will charge you, and that, in Depending on the risk analysis you perform, it could increase. Its opening commission is also variable: it can fluctuate between 0% and 12%, depending on the request. However, this loan does not charge for the study or for the repayment of the loan early (that is, if you decide to repay your debt, or part of it, before time).

What are the best loans without having a payroll? (October 2022) 

The Mini-Loan MoneyMan , without fees on the first request and to request up to 400 euros, is the best option to get quick money among those analyzed by Kelisto. This mini-loan will allow you to repay the amount granted in up to 62 days, without paying extra expenses. In addition, it offers other advantages:

  • MoneyMan does not require you to contract linked products , or change banks; You will also be able to access the loan if you appear on the Asnef delinquent list.
  • If you have requested money from MoneyMan in the past (and have returned it on time), you can request up to 1,300 euros from the entity.
Loans without payroll: news of October 2022

The month of October has arrived accompanied by several novelties in the loan market without payroll. Next, we select some of the most relevant:

  • Telefónica Consumer Finance has increased the TIN of its Movistar Money loan , exclusively for the operator's clients, from 6.9% to 7.9%.
  • The Personal Loan . Cofidis has also become more expensive: from 4.95% to 5.25% However, it is still one of the best options to get quick money without too many links, ranking number 5 in our top . monthly
  • 's Sabadell Loan . Banco Sabadell remains in sixth position after slightly increasing its NIR, from 5.3% to 5.5%
How can I get a loan without payroll?

To get a loan without payroll you will have to look at all the keys to know if they are offering you a good loan and, once you have chosen the offer that suits what you need, you will have to submit your application , along with the corresponding documentation, and wait. for the bank or specialized company to analyze it and determine if it is viable. That yes, the offers to which you will have access will be conditioned by your motivations: it is not the same that you do not want to take your salary to another entity (for convenience or because you have very good conditions in your salary account) than by the fact that do not have regular income .

How to get a loan without changing my bank payroll

If what you are looking for is not having to take your salary to a bank other than your usual entity, you should know that your options will be somewhat more limited than if you decided to take out a traditional personal loan. After all, when carrying out the risk assessment, the bank or entity from which you request financing will have more security in your ability to repay your debt if you direct your income with them . However, getting personal loans without payroll is not impossible, and there are many interesting offers on the market that you can access without having to change banks. Of course, remember that the interest rate or the commissions of these loans could be somewhat higher than those of personal loans that require direct debiting of your salary.

How to get a loan without having a payroll

If what you are interested in is getting loans without monthly income -or even loans with Asnef and without payroll-, microcredits are the solution. Having a salary is key to demonstrating to an entity that you are a solvent client , as is not appearing in a delinquency file such as Asnef's, which is why traditional banks are reluctant to offer financing to these clients. However, microcredits allow you to get a small amount of money – normally never more than 1,000 euros if you are a new client – ​​to repay in a short period of time. In exchange for working as credits without payroll or income, their cost is much higher than that of a traditional loan and the penalties that apply in case you are late in repaying your debt are also higher.

On the other hand, you should know that there are products that are halfway between loans without direct debit payroll and microcredits , because they do require income but have a speed in processing similar to that of a microcredit. For example, the Movistar Money Loan from Telefonica Consumer Finance is processed within 24 to 48 hours. As for the rest of its characteristics, it charges a 7.90% NIR, allows you to obtain between 2,000 and 10,000 euros to repay within a period of between 24 and 60 months and without having to justify the purpose of the loan. It can be contracted from Kelisto by clicking on the button that we show you below: 

Who can apply for a loan without payroll?

To understand who can apply for a personal loan without payroll, you must bear in mind that there are two very different types of profiles: that of clients who have a salary , but do not want to change it from an entity, and that of those who lack regular income . Both can apply for loans without payroll, but the offers to which they will have access are different.

  • Clients who do not want to take their payroll to another bank : in this case, to get one of the best personal loans without direct debiting the payroll, you just have to keep in mind that you can do it as long as you do not appear in any delinquent file and that you prove to the entity or specialized company that grants that you are solvent: that is, that you have the capacity to repay your debt.
  • Clients who do not have a payroll or regular income: if you are looking for one of the best personal loans without direct debiting your payroll (because you do not have one), you always have the option of exploring the market for mini-credits without a payroll . These types of products are much less demanding than traditional personal loans, but they can be expensive if you do not return them on time or if you have already requested financing from the entity that grants them in the past, since the best promotions are usually only offered to the new clients.

What conditions must I meet to obtain a loan without payroll?

To obtain a loan without payroll, banks and finance companies usually ask that you be a solvent client , do not have outstanding debts and can provide the necessary documentation to prove that they are of legal age and legally reside in the country.

So that you know what each of them implies, below we analyze all the conditions that you must meet to obtain a loan without payroll :

  • Solvency : it is the capacity you have to face the payment of your debts. The bank or specialized company to which you request financing will analyze issues such as your salary, your bank movements, or if you have been in a defaulter file, such as Asnef, or in the red.
  • Outstanding debts : before granting you an installment loan without payroll, the banks will evaluate the rest of the outstanding debts you have (other personal loans, mortgages, card financing, etc.) and the percentage that all of them represent of the total of your income. It is recommended that your debts do not exceed 35-40% of what you earn for your application to prosper.
  • The purpose of the loan : although it is not as decisive as other criteria, knowing what you want to do with the money you are going to request is also a factor that the finance company or the bank will consider before giving the green light to your request. For example, it is not the same to ask for financing to buy a house (something that will increase your assets) than to do so to refinance a debt, something that already speaks ill of you as a payer.
  • The documentation : to request an installment loan without payroll, you will need some documents, such as your ID, income statement and work history. Make sure they are all in order before submitting your application.
Hire an online loan without payroll, is it possible?

Getting an online loan without payroll is not only possible, but sometimes submitting an application online is the only way to get hold of some of the most attractive offers on the market. In fact, all the offers in our ranking can be contracted online. The contracting process is very simple: you only need to enter the website of the entity that offers the product that interests you the most, provide your data and start the contracting process.

Now, if you are one of those who still feel uncomfortable operating with your bank details online, at Kelisto we want to reassure you: requesting an online loan without payroll is as safe as carrying out the process in person at an office, but with an added advantage: you can do it from anywhere as long as you have a device with an Internet connection.

Can loans be contracted without collateral or income?

Yes, loans can be contracted without collateral or income. The offers that we show you in our ranking of the best loans without payroll do not require that you domicile your income with the issuing entity in order to contract them. However, in some cases you will have to justify that you have sufficient income to repay your debt if you want your application to succeed (or that you have a guarantor willing to respond for you in the event of defaults).

If what you want is to take out a traditional personal loan , the answer is no. Banking and financial entities will always check that you are solvent and that you have not exceeded your debt capacity before giving the green light to your application. Therefore, if you do not have income, you will already start from a situation of great disadvantage . A small number of finance companies may be willing to grant you a loan if you prove that you have savings or properties and have a guarantee, but, ultimately, none will do so if you do not have this type of support.

Therefore, if that is your situation and you need to obtain financing, your only alternative will be to resort to a company specialized in granting microcredits . These companies are much more flexible when it comes to approving the requests of their clients, and they will not ask you for collateral or income. Now, it is important that you remember that microcredits grant a small amount of money to be returned in a short period of time, so, depending on the amount of money you need and the project you want to finance, they may not interest you. In addition, the fees charged to clients who have already requested financing in the past or who default are much higher than those of traditional loans.

How to get fast loans with Asnef and without payroll?

  • Being part of a delinquent file such as Asnef will make it more difficult for you to get an installment loan without payroll from any bank or financial institution. If this is your case, to request loans with Asnef and without payroll you can wait until they remove you from the file, request the loan from an entity that accepts Asnef or request a microcredit:
  • Wait until they remove you from the file : the first and easiest option is to pay off your debts. Once you do, the entity to which you owe money will notify Asnef, they will remove you from the file and you will be able to access any offer on the market.
  • Request financing from an entity that accepts Asnef clients : it is possible that, if you carry out an exhaustive search, you will find financing offers that accept Asnef clients. Of course, keep in mind that these offers are very infrequent, and that, to compensate for the risk of non-payment, they may require a guarantee or charge you much higher interest than other offers.
  • If you don't need a very large amount of money, you can request a microcredit . For example, the Vivus de Vivus Mini-credit will allow you to request between 50 and 300 euros (or up to 1,100 euros if you are a former customer), to be returned within a period of between seven and 30 days, and will not automatically rule out your request just because you are in Asnef .

Younited Credit (2.15% TIN), ING (3.99% TIN) and Bankinter Consumer Finance (4.45% TIN) offer the best loans without direct debiting your October payroll. But since interest is not the only criterion to take into account, we also show you its most outstanding commissions and associated charges. To be sure of how much you would have to pay for any of these offers, we recommend that you do not miss our analysis on how to calculate the interest on a personal loan.

Conclusion: what are the best loans without having a payroll for October 2022? 

MoneyMan , Vivus and Wandoo are the microcredits with the most attractive conditions this month : none ask for fees for the first application, and they have the best concession ratios, based on our analysis. Remember that this type of financing product is the only one you can access if you do not have a regular salary or income.

Criteria for making the rankings

The criteria that we have followed to establish the positions of the ranking of loans without direct debiting the payroll are the following:

  • The Nominal Interest Rate (TIN).
  • Commissions for opening, study and partial or total cancellation.
  • Amount they grant.
To order our ranking of loans without having a payroll, we have started from these criteria:
  • The fees charged by entities for a first request of €300 over 30 days.
  • In the event of a tie, microcredits with the greatest possibility of granting are favored.
  • Third, priority will be given to offers that allow new customers to order more.
  • Lastly, the bids that are still tied in the three previous categories will be ordered according to the concession period (the longer, the higher in the table).
