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If you do not have a sufficient personal contribution to obtain a bank loan to complete the financing of your business creation or takeover project, it is possible for you to reinforce this contribution by requesting a loan without interest or guarantees that you you will undertake to reimburse "on honour".

Obtaining such a loan lends credibility to the business creation or takeover project and has a significant leverage effect for obtaining additional bank financing. This also allows you to benefit from the support of the organization that grants it to you during the start-up phase and the first development of your activity. Two considerable advantages for the success of your business!

Who can benefit ?

The creators and buyers of companies likely to present a solid business plan with convincing elements on the reality of the coveted potential market.

Company directors can also apply for an honorary loan on the occasion of a development project for their activity.

The admissibility criteria concerning the project leader vary from one organization to another.

Important !    It is a loan  granted to the person  (that is to say "you") and  not to the company  created.   This is what differentiates the "loan of honor" from a "refundable advance". 

Who issues this type of loan?

Two national networks are intended to grant unsecured loans after examination by an approval committee bringing together business leaders, bankers and other financing experts: 

  • nitiative France
  • Entrepreneur Network
Other players also grant honorary loans in addition to other financial solutions. This is the case of Raise for example.

What is their amount?

Their amount varies according to the projects, the capital requirements and the organizations solicited.

With regard to Initiative France , the loans generally vary from 3,000 to 50,000 euros.

The average amount of loans granted is 9,700 euros.

With regard to Réseau Entreprendre, loans generally vary from 10,000 to 50,000 euros (30,000 to 90,000 euros for innovative projects).

The average amount of loans granted is 29,000 euros. 

These loans to the person are at interest rate 0 and without guarantee or personal surety . They may be subject to deferred repayment.

  • Leverage is important!
  • For 1 euro of loan of honor granted, the banks grant on average:
- 8.2 euros of additional funding (Initiative France figures),
- 13 euros in additional funding (Réseau Entreprendre figures).

How to apply for a loan of honor?

Send a request for an appointment to the association closest to you:

  • Network Initiative France: consult the map
  • Entreprendre network: consult the map
If your file presents good guarantees of viability, you will have to present it and defend it before an approval committee made up of business leaders and professionals, who, after deliberation, will decide whether or not to grant the loan.


Individuals can lend money for a project . If your product or service shows some traction, this is highly appreciated by funding agencies.

Specific honor loans

There are also other specific honor loans depending on the nature of the project and the purpose of financing: 

  • Solidarity honorary loan
  • the Creation-Resumption honorary loan
  • the Reinforcement honorary loan
