In a world where educational treasures are buried beneath student loans, bursaries, and grants, we're here to unearth the secrets of financial aid for VCC students. Grab your shovels, because we're diving into the financial aid goldmine.

Picture this: Student loans and bursaries, shining like nuggets of gold, await those who can prove their financial need. These treasures open doors for VCC students, helping them conquer the academic mountain. But beware, adventurers, these riches won't come knocking on your door. You must embark on a quest to claim them.

To start your quest, you must apply for assistance well in advance. Time is of the essence, my friends. Now, let's dig deeper into this treasure trove.

VCC Bursaries:

These are like the legendary non-repayable grants, bestowed upon those who prove their financial need. Your first test is to exhaust all other sources of financial aid before seeking the bursary. Think of it as a secret initiation.

VCC General Bursary:

Who can join this exclusive club, you ask? Well, any VCC student with financial need can apply, but those with AUG or student loans get VIP access. Full-time students, or those studying with the approval of the 40% club, are welcome. And remember, passing grades are your golden ticket.

The timing is everything, my friends:
  1. Apply in September if your journey ends between November and February.
  2. Apply in January if you see the finish line between March and June.
  3. Apply in June if your educational odyssey concludes between July and October.
Now, how do you apply? It's easy; just venture into the virtual realm through the myVCC login. For those lacking a trusty computer, fret not, for the Learning Centre, Library, and Counselling Department have got your back. The bursary application document is your treasure map, guiding you step by step.

Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG):

A gift from the provincial government, AUG offers a lifeline to those enrolling in ESL, ABE, and ASE programs. This non-repayable grant is your boon, should you meet the criteria. Just grab the application forms, bring your essentials (2022 Notice of Assessment, Social Insurance Card, Permanent Resident card), and let the AUG magic begin.

But wait, there's more! AUG doesn't just cover tuition; it throws in some extra goodies, like college initiative fees, student fees, and even textbooks. Plus, if you're lucky, you might snag a Compass Card.

Eligibility? Well, that depends on your financial need, which is determined by your income, living situation, family size, and past course successes. The AUG funding gods smile upon those who complete their funded courses.

Feeling lost on this treasure hunt? Seek guidance from the VCC Financial Aid office, or consult the government FAQ sheet regarding the AUG grant.

Developmental Program Area Awards:

If you're already part of the VCC elite in Career Access, Basic Education, Adult Basic Education, or EAL, there's a chance you'll be knighted with a Developmental Program Area Award worth $500. These awards honor those who've shown unwavering dedication to their studies.

Former Youth in Care Tuition Waiver:

Leaving foster care? Good news! The Former Youth in Care Tuition Waiver program offers free tuition as a token of appreciation for your resilience. Eligibility criteria include being from British Columbia, aged 19 to 26, and having spent at least 24 months in care. Applying is as simple as choosing your program, filling out a consent form, and delivering it to VCC's Financial Aid office.

Canadian Apprentice Loan:

Behold, the Canada Apprentice Loan, a helping hand for those pursuing a Red Seal trade. You can grab up to $4,000 in interest-free loans for your technical training needs. No payments are due until after you complete your apprenticeship. Dive into the Canada Apprentice Loan Online Service, and let the adventure begin!

StrongerBC Future Skills Grant:

Calling all British Columbians aged 19 and older! The StrongerBC future skills grant is your golden ticket to short-term skills training. Upgrade your skills, snag a well-paying job, and secure your future. But wait, there's more! This grant can cover up to $3,500 in eligible costs for select courses and programs at public post-secondary institutions in BC.

StudentAid BC: Student Loans and Grants:

VCC students, listen up! You can access student loans through StudentAid BC, designed to slay financial dragons in your path. British Columbia student loans, Canada student loans, and part-time Canada student loans are your weapons of choice. Just remember, student loans must be repaid, so choose your battles wisely.

After you've cast your financial aid net, expect a Notification of Award to arrive by mail or a call from 1-800-561-1818. Dive into the details at

Changes to Student Loans for BC Students:

No more juggling two student loans! Canada and BC are joining forces to simplify the borrower's journey. And if you're studying full-time but no longer receiving funding from StudentAid BC, secure your interest-free status online. It's as easy as logging onto and following the breadcrumbs.

Part-time Students:

Don't worry, part-time warriors, there's aid for you too. The Financial Aid Program for Part-time Studies has loan and grant funding ready for your part-time post-secondary adventures.

Student Awards:

VCC is like Santa's workshop for scholarships and awards. Hundreds are up for grabs, and some require a special knock on the application door. Dive into "VCC Awards and Scholarships" and "External Scholarships and Bursaries" for all the juicy details.

But wait, there's more! To calculate your VCC program's cost, check out the online calculator. And remember, your journey doesn't have to be lonely; financial aid is here to guide you.

Broadway and Downtown Campuses:

For any inquiries, contact the financial aid offices at Broadway campus (604.871.7046) or Downtown campus.

So, brave adventurers, put on your explorer hats and go claim your educational treasures. The path to financial aid is paved with opportunities!
