When a car accident The most obvious damage was the car that was in an accident. And according to understanding, the first thing the driver must do is immediately call the insurance company that they contract with. for employees to come in to negotiate until making a car insurance claim But is this really that easy? Many of you would say that it's not as easy as saying it.

insurance claim make it easy and fast It is something that all insurers dream about. Because most of them will have to meet since the staff arrived late at the scene. Can't agree with the parties Can't agree with the insurance of the parties Insurance refuses to pay Plus many other complicated and cumbersome steps. Let's see if there is any way that we can make a claim faster. Easy to claim

How many types of insurance claims are there?

1. Claim dry

Dry claim refers to car insurance claims. For a car that has been in the accident for a long time But just came to report the incident to the insurance company, such as having scratches due to collision, etc. Usually, dry claims are often made without parties. This will cost the insurance claimant additional costs. Sometimes it may be our carelessness. Sometimes it might be because other people backed up and bumped into it. Some other reasons, so if an accident and there are parties You should immediately call the insurance company. as well as asking for information of employees who will come to make a claim, such as name-surname, contact number So that you can follow the job easily.

However, if you want to take your car in for repairs at the garage You should bring documents Complete as well, such as a driver's license, insurance policy and a copy of the vehicle registration, etc.

2. Claim Fresh

Fresh claim means a claim that the car crashed at the scene and there are still victims in the incident waiting for the claim staff at the scene. which this type of claim The driver will receive a certificate to use for contacting the damages incurred. in order to take the car to the repair center

3. Claims a lot of damage

Massive damage claim refers to a claim that just happened fresh. or happened a long time ago But it was very damaged and just came to report the incident, for example, the car was so damaged that it couldn't be driven for a week. but just came to report the incident, etc.

However, during the claim The claim staff will ask for various information. of the driver and the parties As well as giving you a summary of all the events that happened, who was right and who was wrong, here, both you and the parties should cooperate with the staff.

After that, the staff will take a picture of the car. the scene of the accident, etc., then when the claim is complete The claim worker will then summarize all the results and provide you with information on what actions you will need to take next. Where should the car be repaired? together with a summary of expenses that may be additional And the claim staff will give a claim to be used to submit to the garage or repair center.

However, in the event that when an accident occurs and you are right, but the other party's car is not insured You should also go back and check with your insurance company. How was the accident data recorded? Are you on the right side? After you claim your insurance which if not specified You may end up paying more for your insurance the next year, so what you need to do to make it easy is to make a claim. is fast and make no mistake, it is

– If there is an incident, immediately inform the insurance staff to check immediately.

– After calling, ask for information about the claim officer who will make a claim for you.

– While waiting for the employee to claim it You should negotiate with the other party who is at fault and who is right.

– After a day or two Should call to inquire about the record that the claim employee has recorded. that is true or not

- If you don't know who the other party is or can't remember the car registration Immediately call the police and tell the characteristics of the car of the other party as they remember.

However, if an accident occurs, whether serious or minor, The first thing that should be done is to be mindful. Then come down to check the damage and call insurance to check. and should not use emotions in negotiating mediation with the parties Because it will make things more difficult.

Notifying the insurance company for a claim number (In the event that there are no parties)

People, whether they are new or experienced, sometimes make mistakes. It may smash into poles, trash cans, plant pots, electric poles, or other objects. accidentally Maybe it's not us, but someone else who secretly comes to fight. until the color sample was taken

If the car has first class insurance, but has to make a claim without any parties What do we have to do?

Notify the car to be repaired

1. Inform the service center that will bring the car to be repaired. Tell me the details of what happened. And we want to bring the car in for repairs. The service center will ask us to inform the insurance company to report a claim. and asked for a claim number

2. Contact the car insurance company Notify the car insurance company that we insure the car. Informed that we want to request a claim number to bring the car in for repairs. The insurance company will be notified. Ask for details of the accident to continue.

Reporting an incident without parties

1. Inform the date and time of the incident , inform the date and time of the incident by informing the closest to the date we notify the claim, for example, if we report the claim on August 24, then inform that the incident occurred on August 23, etc. If we report the incident date -Real time, the insurance company may claim that the incident happened a long time ago. and can not be notified

2. Reports that they hit or smashed with non-living things : they said that they collided with non-living things, such as plant pots, fences, walls, pillars, etc., but they had to look as realistic as possible, such as the wound on the rear bumper. Said that hitting the pot is still reliable. If the headlight breaks, what does it say to hit the pot? Is it true? But the insurance company may be skeptical again. So don't tell me you got hit and run. Otherwise, the insurance company may be asked to find the parties. Then the story will continue to escalate. I didn't claim it for a while.

3. Can request a claim number for both squeezed Requesting this claim number We can request a claim number for the whole car. No matter how long we've been crashing But do not forget to follow number 1, which is to inform the date of the incident as close to the date of the incident as possible if there are many wounds, many levels of age That would have to come up with a plan again.

4. Got the claim number when the claim number is received It is up to us that we will bring the car to be repaired when. I do not have to bring the car to be repaired immediately after receiving the claim number. The claim will be valid for about 1 year. Let's just say that the car is repaired before the claim expires.

5. Bring the car in for repair When it is auspicious, the car will be repaired. Just take the car to the service center. Ready to claim. Submit the claim and sign the document to order repairs. The center will evaluate and make an appointment to pick up the car. If the repair is fussy The insurance company may recommend the garage for us to carry the claim to change it ourselves. That way, you can sit and wait to pick up the car.

6. The driver's name does not match the name of the person who made the claim , this part really shouldn't be a problem. Because most people who have a driver will let the driver manage. and is the person who signs the claim But if the insurance company will play I told the truth that I took my husband or wife's car to drive. There were many more things, threatening to withdraw insurance to do it with another company.

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