Loans without Crif check exist and are easier to obtain than you might think.

In fact, it will be enough to satisfy a few simple requirements to submit a loan application, obtaining the liquidity you need even if you have been reported to the Crif.

Do you want to carry out a project, such as buying a car, furnishing your home or consolidating other commitments? We will explain to you what are the real possibilities available to you to obtain fast loans without guarantees .

All you need is to be an employee with a permanent contract or a retiree .

Find the credit institution willing to grant you money without financial control in the database, contact Globalfin ! For more details and a free consultation, contact us today: fill out our form and within a few moments one of our consultants will call you, free of charge and without obligation.

How to get a loan without Crif control?

Do loans without a database exist?

The answer is yes, but it is not a possibility for everyone.

Loans without Crif control (also applies to Experian and CTC ) or better the loans to reported Crif are: 

  • assignment of the fifth (salary or pension)
  • payment proxy (for employees only)
  • loan changed (available only for employees of private companies)

These are the three financing solutions for reporting persons thanks to which it is possible to obtain new liquidity even if registered in the Crif , therefore with a negative Crif historical .

Loans to reported crif without assignment of the fifth , is it possible to obtain them? No, unless you want to resort to loans between individuals, which we will analyze later.

As we will see in the next point, today some institutes carry out checks in Crif even if it is a question of assignment of the fifth or delegation of payment. It is therefore not obvious to be able to obtain money through these credit formulas.

Financial companies that do not control Crif, do they exist?

Are there banks that do not look at the Crif?

Yes, as mentioned before, not all financial companies carry out this assessment in the databases that monitor the regularity of payments related to loans, loans , mortgages or credit cards.

It is fair to point out that these institutions will provide loans without credit rating exclusively with the aforementioned products, therefore assignment of the fifth, payment delegation and loan changed.

It is true that in rare cases some institutions do not use all the credit databases available on the market; there are, for example, those who could request information only from Experian, but this can never guarantee the success of the operation.

Precisely for this reason to the question “ there are banks that do not adhere to the Crif ” we prefer to answer no, because the credit institution could always turn to equivalent information systems, consequently acquiring any non-positive information (such as late payment).

It should also be noted that some institutions structured to grant loans to reported also carry out this type of control, causing the customer a possible new refusal.

This is the case of Lucia who writes to us: 

I asked Unicredit, my bank, for a loan by assignment of the fifth, but they denied me the loan because I am reported for other loans with a negative Crif . I was convinced of getting this money since I put my paycheck and severance pay as collateral . I need a modest sum, 10,000 euros maximum 150,000 . Are there financial firms that do not control Experian or CTC ? Can you do something? Can I apply for a loan without a bank ? Are there non-bank loans ? A thousand thanks!

Precisely for this reason we recommend that you rely on consulting companies, as in our case, thanks to which you can get in touch with institutions willing to finance you, even if reported by Crif.

Credit card without Crif check

This product is not granted in the presence of reports in the database. During the preliminary phase of the request for this card, the credit institution will carry out the necessary checks in order to monitor a financial checkup on the applicant.

Delays, even regularized ones, are an index of risk for those who will have to disburse money. Therefore these evidences in the credit circuits will inhibit the possibility of obtaining a credit card or a revolving card .

Loan between individuals without Crif control

The loan between individuals is a solution often sought with interest by those who do not want to activate a salary assignment (or by those who cannot, such as self-employed workers).

Unfortunately, this is still a gray and poorly regulated area, which therefore offers very few certainties to contractors, who may encounter difficulties even in cases where they know each other perfectly.

Over the years, social lending platforms have also developed , in which an intermediary collects capital from creditors who make it available, then lending it to those who request it (and pass certain checks). However, we cannot talk about loans between individuals, first because checks are carried out, second because an intermediary is still present.

The advice is, when possible, to evaluate one of the solutions we have listed at the beginning, to be sure of operating with a clear and well-defined contract, relying on the safety of a regulated credit institution 

Loans without Crif certificate, why rely on Globalfin?

It is a credit brokerage firm registered with OAM number M359 . Unlike a loan agency , which will offer you a single solution (i.e. that of the financial company it represents), an intermediary such as Globalfin operates on the market as a financial broker.

In fact, our role is not to represent a specific bank or financial institution, but to identify, among the numerous partner companies, the best offer tailored to you. Therefore, even if you are only looking for small loans without Crif , contact us!

How does it work?

Our service is absolutely free . To receive a free and no obligation consultation, just fill out the form on our site (the request will not be forwarded to credit databases such as Crif).

Within moments of sending, you will receive a call from one of our representatives to analyze your needs and your possibilities.

If you have to positively evaluate our quote, you can make an appointment with our consultant to discuss the conditions in detail and submit the request.

The headquarters of the company is Reggio Emilia, but we are active throughout the national territory. So whether you live in Milan, Genoa, Foggia, Palermo, Cagliari, Oristano, Grosseto, Terni, Naples, Rome, Modena, Florence, Ancona, Turin or Ragusa , we can reach you directly at your home.

Book a consultation free , no-obligation now: request a quote today for loans without a credit rating . 
