In times of economic crisis, Credit Insurance has already proved to be the ideal solution to amortize the losses caused by customer default and protect the cash flow of companies from the most varied market segments.

However, despite the numerous benefits that this modality brings to your company, and can even help to increase the number of sales and business opportunities, not always a single policy can completely guarantee the safety of your activities.

This is because, sometimes, the limit released by the insurer in cases of loss may not be enough to amortize the losses caused to your company in cases of defaulting customers. In fact, this is something common to happen in cases of companies that deal with customers with low reputation in the market, or carry out deals that involve high values.

However, what can you do to ensure your company's credit protection, even in times of crisis? has an exclusive product in the national market that can solve this problem in a practical and assertive way: Top Up Insurance.

Top Up Insurance is a modality that provides additional coverage for amounts that exceed the limit stipulated in your current credit policy. Popular in many countries in Europe, it is the definitive solution to guarantee even more peace of mind for your company, in the face of unpredictable events that can cause more than common losses.

Why does your company need Top Up insurance at a time like this?

The market is surrounded by uncertainties at the moment. The crisis established by COVID-19 in the market has no deadline to normalize, or even end. Furthermore, we do not know when the isolation measures imposed around the world will end, and we cannot even imagine what the economic recovery will look like in the medium and long term.

Given this scenario, we have two certainties: forward negotiations will increase, as will the number of companies in default and with low credit in the market. And a crisis like this, which has already caused layoffs and business closures in several markets, it is a fact that we will suffer from the effects of cascading defaults.

This means that no matter how good your customers' credit situation is, sooner or later, some or all of them will suffer more from default in your business, and that will affect you.

Your company's cash flow cannot stop and the most effective alternative against this problem remains Credit Insurance. However, Top Up Insurance appears as a sure-fire alternative to further increase your company's liquidity protection.

Where can you find Top UP insurance?

Top Up insurance is an exclusive solution that brings to Brazil in partnership with Chubb, one of the largest insurance companies in the world. As this is a new modality in the national market, we offer all the support necessary to assess the needs of your business and offer a policy with the best conditions for your company. 
